Git log with ESC[33

In my terminal, when I type git log, I get something like :

ESC[33mcommit 1e9eb4002f15bdfefade5775da0ff5c1a6ee1c5eESC[m
Author: Jérome Maes <>
Date:   Mon Dec 8 10:10:12 2014 +0100
    [ADD] rating : base rating module contains a mixin and the meta model rating with graph and kanban views

It is unreadable ! After a few research, I seems comming from the ‘less’ environement. In .bashrc, I added
export LESS=-R.
But nothing change. The problem was more with git, since the problem doesn’t happen with other command. This is now solved with

git config --global core.pager "less -R"