Computer Stuff

Trucs et astuces trouvées sur le net et au travers d’expériences personnelles.

For a better code, in your IDE or editor, you can add a Linter who highlight your mistakes. Sublime has one by default, but it is limited. You can add […]

In my terminal, when I type git log, I get something like : ESC[33mcommit 1e9eb4002f15bdfefade5775da0ff5c1a6ee1c5eESC[m Author: Jérome Maes <> Date: Mon Dec 8 10:10:12 2014 +0100 [ADD] rating : base […]

Terminator is a terminal emulator supporting tabs and multiple resizable terminal panels in one window native based on GNOME Terminal. Installation sudo apt-get install terminator Shortcuts : Ctrl-Shift-E: will split the […]

PostgreSQL Monitoring Tools

One day, you will need to monitor your database to analyse the performences, the number of queries, … Some tools exist ! pg_top This is the cousin of the simple […]

Executing Python code, I get the error (from python2.7) unknown locale en_US The locale is on my computer, since it’s in the list I get after typing locale -a openerp@jem […]